
Wines and Spirits

A front-end e-commerce website for customers to get updates on store's menus and able to send enquiries on take-outs and delivery orders

Intro image to Wines and Spirits
iShop Changi
Development process. Started in April 2021.
Visual and Merchandising Enhancement of iShopChangi's category - Wines and Spirits specific to Product Listing and Detailed Pages
My role
  • UX Research
  • Prototype and Wireframe
  • Notetaker and observer during user interview
  • QA Tester
My responsibilities
I worked with the UX team where we went through 6 process to guide us in this journey efficiently and effectively.

The descriptions below are based on what I have contributed in this project.



Stakeholder Brief


Problem statement

Data Gathering

User Journey Map


Synthesise findings

Brainstorm on solutions



Translate proposed solutions into prototype

Conduct Screener Recruitment Survey


User Interview

Revise prototype

Implementation & Result

Handover of designs to Dev't team

QA testing

My contribution
The team conducted a competitive analysis on total of 10 ecommerce international and local websites to understand how the product information is portrayed and interpreted for each beverage.

Based on the data analytics gathered, 'Wine', 'Sake' and 'Whisky' as these are the top selling beverages where it helped narrowed down the team's research. The team also analyise the UI trends by identifying similar components that may contribute to an increase in time-spent for users to stay in the page and a decisive-factor in buying the products.

Tasting notes is one of the common characteristics that is important to be included in the prototype to be used for the user interviews. In synthesising data gather after interview, the team and stakeholder regrouped to discuss which of the characteristics will be included in the tasing notes. My contribution is to create a UI and research on the values that defines each of the beverages' characteristics.

My focused is to identify the different attributes shown for 'Wine', 'Sake' & 'Whisky'. I also discovered there are different UI that represents each of these characterstics.

Data Collected
In my research, I listed down what the values are for each of the beverages' characteristics. For example, 'Appearance' has different values that represents Wine, Whisky and Sake. These data are also used in the filter feature for the Product Listing Page.

The designs I proposed are based on 'Simple' & 'Complex' and taken into consideration its dynamic content and the development process. The team with stakeholder decided to go for the final design as information is easy to capture and also in line with ShopChangi's Design System.

Simple Design


Complex Design

final design

Final Design